Women’s Ministries

For questions, please contact Isabelle Miller in the Parish Office at 319.363.8269 or email i.miller@dbqarch.org

Women’s Bible Study

Lectio: Mary by Brant Pitre

led by Pat Hoge

Held Mondays at 6pm in the Rosary Room. The first Meeting will be held January 27th. “Why is Mary so important to Catholics, and why have so many people been devoted to her over the centuries? In this 8-part series, Dr. Brant Pitre examines what the Old and New Testaments, the life of Christ, and the early Church fathers reveal about the life and identity of Mary.” CLICK HERE TO REGISTER


Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women

The Cedar Rapids Council of Catholic Women is dedicated to focusing the hands-on efforts of Catholic Women to provide genuine Christ filled care, comfort and education to those in our community.

St. Bernadette Circle

St. Bernadette’s Circle consists of Catholic minded women, like you, who are willing and eager to help their Catholic Community, by serving at funeral dinners and anywhere else they may be needed.