Finance Committee

Meeting are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at noon in the Rosary Room.

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Dear St. Matthew Parishioners,

I am pleased to provide you with the financial report for the fiscal year, 2022-23. On the following pages, you will find the financial information in both a table and graphic format. Sometimes it is easier to understand a graph rather than a column of numbers. I deeply appreciate all that you have done to make the past fiscal year such a huge success.

Following are some key points I would like to highlight:

• The budget appeal was a tremendous success. This allowed us to operate in the black. This marks the third year that we did not have to borrow or use money from savings to cover our annual operating expenses.

• Adult giving has increased once again this year. The parish relies upon the contributions of roughly 500 families/individuals. Volunteers have contributed well over 1500 hours of service to the parish. Please know we deeply appreciate all you do.

• Our capital campaign account has a balance of $3,563,747.86 as of June 30. This is the total amount we have after paying all expenses incurred to this point. We have been able to pay as we go which means we have no debt related to completed projects.

• Net profit for the ECC was $237,724.49. This money supports the grade school.

• We continue to support our Catholic schools as they help to form the hearts and minds of our young people. The Xavier assessment was $72,456.00. The assessment for Regis Middle School was $130,231.00.

• This fiscal year the parish did not receive any estate bequests. We did receive $14,190.77 in memorials. Memorial money is money given by families after the death of loved ones. This money is put into an account and used for things we need for the celebration of Mass items like altar linens for example.

• Second on the Second collections brought in $20,350.13 that was then given to the various charities as recommended by the Social Justice Committee. We also support Metro Catholic Outreach in addition to the amount collected on the Second on the Second for MCO for a total of $10,000.

• The deacon’s service is greatly appreciated, especially recognizing they do not get paid. Both Deacon Rich and Deacon Steve have been great to work with and are a huge help to me. Be sure to thank them for all that they do for St. Matthew.

• The staff is so helpful and they work very hard to help in the pastoral care of the parish. While staff is paid, it is important to know these dedicated individuals often go above and beyond their job description.

• St. Matthew covers 70% of my salary, health insurance, and retirement contribution. The remaining 30% is covered by the archdiocese, for my work in the Metropolitan Tribunal. I no longer have to drive to Dubuque on a weekly basis. What I do for the Tribunal today can be done via USPS or electronically.

Regarding the new construction. We have been working with Rindernecht and OPN. Once we have the actual plans we can take them to the Archdiocesan Building Commission for their approval. Nothing can start until we have the plans and approval from the diocese to begin the actual construction.

Your generous gifts are greatly appreciated and used wisely. I work closely with the parish finance council to monitor income and expenses so we can continue to be good stewards of the resources given to the parish.

We have so many good things unfolding in the St. Matthew Community. I am thankful to God for this time with you as your pastor. I am not a perfect priest by any means but I am happy to be here and to serve you to the best of my ability. Thank you for your kindness to me as together we come to know and love God more deeply.