Men’s Book Study

With God in Russia by Walter J. Ciszek, SJ

Held Tuesdays at 6pm in the Office Conference Room. The first meeting will be held January 21st. “Enduring brutal conditions (in the Soviet prison system), Ciszek risked his life to offer spiritual guidance to fellow prisoners who could easily have exposed him for their own gains. He chronicles these experiences with grace, humility, and candor, from his secret work leading mass and hearing confessions within the prison grounds.” CLICK HERE TO REGISTER or email Alex Long at

Men’s Holy Name

Meetings are held every 2nd Sunday of the month from 9-10:30AM in the Rosary Room

Meetings are open to all interested men. Guests are welcome!


President: John Wollner

Vice-President: Jacob Burhite

Secretary: Dennis VanAuken

Treasurer: Sean Williams