
  • October 25, 2023

    Dear Parishioners, School Families, and Community supporters,

        This communication is being shared as an update to the important work of our schools and parishes as it relates to the Cedar Rapids metro task force recommendation of systemization and the Middle School exploratory study committee recommendation of consolidation. Over the course of the last few months, members of the local pastoral councils, finance councils, and school boards have engaged in dialogue and discernment related to the long term best interest of the Cedar Rapids metro Catholic schools.  All of this hard work will result in a recommendation from each entity to their local pastor(s) for consideration.  

        In early November, the pastors will meet.  Each pastor will bring forth their vote on systemization and if applicable, middle school consolidation, for group discussion. During the first meeting, all pastors will hear each other’s votes which will create awareness of the votes throughout the greater Cedar Rapids Catholic community, in addition to opening the discussion to further questions and comments. 

        The work of the pastors will likely span over multiple meetings, ensuring that care and concern be given to the process, concerns, and possible adjustments.  The goal is that consensus is achieved over the course of this discernment process.  If there is pertinent information to share between meetings, an update will be provided at that time. 

         At the point a decision has been made, this will be shared with the greater Cedar Rapids Catholic community in a similar format to this communication. Until then, we ask for continued prayers for this process and the important work of our pastors for the greater Catholic community. 


           Cedar Rapids Metro Task Force Leadership Team

  • Dear Parishioners, School Families, and Community supporters,

    This communication is being shared as an update to the important work of our schools and parishes as it relates to the Cedar Rapids metro task force recommendation of systemization and the Middle School exploratory study committee recommendation of consolidation.  This serves as a follow up to the message dated October 25.

    The pastors had their first meeting on Thursday, November 2nd.  The discussion was rich and exhibited a collaborative spirit and goodwill.  The pastors will meet again in late November to continue the discussion and progress.  No more information can be shared at this time.

    At the point a decision has been made, this will be shared with the greater Cedar Rapids Catholic community in a similar format to this communication. Until then, we ask for continued prayers for this process and the important work of our pastors for the greater Catholic community. 


    Cedar Rapids Metro Task Force Leadership Team




Dear Xavier Catholic Schools Community,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with blessings in the new year.  On behalf of the President Hiring Committee, I share the following message with you.

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce the appointment of Chris McCarville as the new President of Xavier Catholic Schools. Chris brings with him a wealth of experience, a deep commitment to Catholic education, and a passion for fostering the growth and success of our students and future school system.

As President of Xavier Catholic Schools, Chris will lead the system's continued commitment to its Catholic mission and identity. He will be responsible for ushering in a shared vision and strategic planning that aligns with and advances system-wide goals as they relate to long-range planning, Catholicity, academic excellence, advancement, and facilities. Chris will directly oversee central office leadership personnel and will serve as the chief spokesperson for Xavier Catholic Schools.  He will work directly with the Pastors Board, the new PK-12 School Board, and Xavier Foundation Board.

We are confident that Chris will lead Xavier Catholic Schools with wisdom, integrity, and a steadfast dedication to the key values of our schools. His leadership will undoubtedly inspire our community to reach new heights of spiritual growth, academic excellence, and service to others.

As we welcome Chris to his new role, serving Xavier Catholic Schools, let us offer our prayers, support, and warmest wishes for his success. Together, with faith as our guide, we look forward to a bright and promising future under Chris' leadership.

Please join me in extending a heartfelt congratulations and a warm welcome to Chris. We are truly blessed to have him as the first President of Xavier Catholic Schools;  we are confident that his leadership will enrich the lives of all who are part of Xavier Catholic Schools.

May God continue to bless each of you and our entire Xavier Catholic Schools community.

Fr. Jon Seda

St. Pius X Pastor and Member of the President Hiring Committee