Marriage & Weddings

If you feel you are called to the Vocation of Married Life, it means you are called to become one with your partner for forever.

God is love; the most obvious forms of love can be found in a family. A family starts with a man and a woman falling in love and getting married, vowing to live their lives with commitment. They teach that unconditional love to their children, the children grow into adults, and the cycle continues. This is the value of the sacrament of marriage. It is the first step into fully embracing love and bringing it forth into the world

Step to begin your marriage in the Catholic Faith

If you are considering marriage, we invite you to set up a visit with Father Loecke.  Father is here to help you fully understand the sanctity of marriage that you are wanting to enter into and the proper ways to guide you to the path in your marriage that will help you get each other, your children and your extended family into heaven to live eternally in our Lord's Kingdom.