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Username: St. Matthew Catholic Parish

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Community Resources | Linn County, IA - Official Website

The Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Cedar Rapids accepts new and gently used building materials and home improvement supplies, furniture, appliance, and general home furnishings. CALL 319.366.4485

Central Furniture Rescue provides furniture and household items to families transitioning from homelessness. CALL 319.382.2882

Sleep in Heavenly Peace delivers beds and bedding to homes in need. CALL 844.432.2337 x5501

His Hands Free Clinic accepts pharmaceutical and diabetic supplies, office and cleaning supplies and gently used clothing. CALL 319.862.2636

Grace Episcopal Church accepts equipment for the medical lending closet. CALL 319.362.1929

Salvation Army picks up furniture, clothing, household goods, appliances, autos. CALL 319.364.9131

Goodwill picks up clothing and appliances.

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St. Vincent De Paul Society

For the poor and outcast. St. Vincent De Paul, pray for us!

St. Vincent de Paul Cedar Rapids - Donate to Charity


Parish Sanctity of Life

For reparation of the sins of abortion, contraception, sterilization, IVF, and euthanasia, St. Gianna Molla, Pray for us!



Green Square Meals

For those who are hungry, St. Nicholas of Myra, Pray for us!

Home (


Young Parents Network

For young families in need of support, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Pray for us!

Empowering Families. Impacting Generations. | YPN (


My. Calvary Cemetery

For the faithful departed, St. Joseph, Pray for us!

Home (


Medical Care

For the sick, St. Raphael the Archangel, Pray for us!

Community Health Free Clinic

Community Health Free Clinic (


Catholic Charities

For immigrants and refugees, St. Francis Cabrini, Pray for us!

Catholic Charities | Dubuque, IA (


Mission of Hope

For those in hardship due to economic disadvantage. St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us!

Mission of Hope


Catholic Worker House

For those in crisis due to domestic violence. St. Rita, pray for us!

Home - Catholic Worker House


Xavier Parish Appeal

For Catholic Education and educators. St. Joseph De Salle, pray for us!

Xavier Impact Fund: Parish Outreach (Parish Appeal) - Xavier High School - Cedar Rapids, IA


Metro Catholic Outreach

For the elderly, the un- and underemployed, St. Bernadette, Pray for us!

Home - Metro Catholic Outreach


Retirement for Religious

For order priests, religious, and new vocations, St. John Vianney, Pray for us!

Home - Retirement Fund for Religious (