Engaged: Life is meant to be shared with others, so we will be actively involved in our Catholic community.

  • We will commit to share our skills, talents, and time in service to others

  • We will be intentional and generous with the use of our finance, both as individuals and as a Catholic community

  • We will participate in ministries and activities as God calls us

  • We will welcome and encourage the participation of all

Faith: With complete trust in God, we will grow spiritually and live according to His Word.

  • We will prioritize prayer and worship so we can fully participate in the Sacramental life of the Church

  • We will participate in faith formation opportunities regularly to grow spiritually and live as disciples

  • We will encourage a positive environment that fosters respectful growth and expression of one’s faith

  • We will share our faith in Christ with others

Community: As Catholic Christians, we care for and support all of God’s people.

  • We will actively transform our church, school, and early childhood center into one Catholic community

  • We will effectively use multiple methods of communication to engage people in our Catholic community

  • We will provide and promote frequent opportunities for fellowship and service

  • We will continue to build our community through evangelization and outreach with God’s help


TOGETHER WE CAN… Revitalize Our Community: Sharing your time, talent, and treasures to preserve our foundation and your future community

  • Engage the community

  • Secure the necessary Funding

  • Communicate ongoing process

  • Undertake deferred maintenance and building projects

  • Celebrate success

Preserving the past while building our future

Intentional Engagement: Conscious and active participation in the life of the St. Matthew Community

  • Increased involvement in the pastoral care of the parish

  • Increased involvement in the liturgical ministries of the parish

  • Increased involvement in the stewardship of the parish

Foster Lifelong Discipleship: To equip and empower people of all ages and in all stages to follow Jesus, grow in personal relationship with Him, and share Him with others

  • Increase adults participating in small faith sharing groups by 15-30 every 6 months by Christmas 2022

  • Increase young adult participation in city-wide and St. Matthew programming by 3-5 every 6 months by Christmas 2022

  • Increase youth participation in youth ministry and pre-youth ministry by 5-10 every year by Fall 2023