Bible Studies!
Tuesday Morning Bible Study in the Rosary Room - Free admission and refreshments! Outline and notes provided by facilitator! Everyone Welcome!
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
NO 9AM Bible study in the Summer
Adult Faith Formation and RCIA, Wednesdays at 6pm in the Rosary Room! For more information please contact Billie Burhite at or call 319.363.8269
New Women's Bible Study led by Pat Hoge! Lectio: Mary by Brant Pitre
Held Mondays at 6pm in the Rosary Room. The first Meeting will be held January 27th. “Why is Mary so important to Catholics, and why have so many people been devoted to her over the centuries? In this 8-part series, Dr. Brant Pitre examines what the Old and New Testaments, the life of Christ, and the early Church fathers reveal about the life and identity of Mary.” CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
New Men's Book Study led by Alex Long! With God in Russia by Walter J. Ciszek, SJ
Held Tuesdays at 6pm in the Office Conference Room. The first meeting will be held January 21st. “Enduring brutal conditions (in the Soviet prison system), Ciszek risked his life to offer spiritual guidance to fellow prisoners who could easily have exposed him for their own gains. He chronicles these experiences with grace, humility, and candor, from his secret work leading mass and hearing confessions within the prison grounds.” CLICK HERE TO REGISTER